SERVICES: Irrigation Design and Consulting OFFICE ADDRESS: 307 Dubsdread Circle Orlando, Florida 32804 Phone: (407) 896.3904 Cell: (407) 702.3063 Fax: (407) 896-5469 E-Mail: LARRY W. SPADE: A Landscape Architect and Certified Irrigation Designer has provided irrigation design services for clients and other Landscape Architects for thirty years. He has designed irrigation systems for projects all over the United States and overseas. The majority of these projects have been in the Central Florida area. His background as a Landscape Architect and Landscape Contractor provides him with the knowledge to design irrigation systems with xeriscape principles (Water Star and L.E.E.D. approved) and systems that are efficient and economical. Spade Irrigation Design is on the cutting edge of new technology, including new laws, new ordinances, smart controllers, sensors and drip irrigation. REGISTRATION AND AFFILIATIONS: Registered Landscape Architect State of Florida, LA 0000707 35 year Member of the American Society of Landscape Architects Certified Commercial Irrigation Designer , Irrigation Association EPA Watersense Partner Florida Water Star Accredited Professional in Irrigation EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science-West Virginia University 1979 Toro Design School 1982 Rainbird Maxicom Certification 2002 |